Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Checking in

with news about grannyma, feelings, and what not.
Grannyma seems to be about the same. She was laying in bed the other day when I went to see her and she told me she just hurt. I am assuming some of the pain that she feels is depression but we had a good visit. When Connie and I was younger Grannyma would play shoe store and hair dresser with us. I asked her if she would play and she just smiled and told me I was crazy. :) I have a skirt that just drives her crazy about the split. Everytime I see her with it on she is saying get me the thread and needle. I wore it again that day and told her I thought she might sew it up and of course she didn't :)... I think she is waiting for my mama to for it drives her just as crazy. Overall I think that Grannyma was having a good a day as she possibly could which makes me happy and content.
Yesterday Connie and I went to see my uncle's new apartment. It is more like a fun house. It has mirrors every where, about 13 rooms and totally awesome. You could get lost in it on your tour by yourself so hopefully the tour guide is there to help. It has soooo many storage spaces as in closets that if you got upset and wanted to hide you could easily go in a closet and no one would find you. He is fixing it up to his liking and it sounds like an awesome setting. I cant wait to see it done. So hurry up boy :)
Emotions are so strange and funny at the same time. I have been reading about babies that are having the Edward syndrome and wow the feelings that each family goes through is totally unforgetable. As I read the blogs my heart goes out to each family. I cant imagine what they must go through for it is really hard to write down an emotion and the feeling the emotion brings. I know I felt hurt for the family as well as for the baby for the suffering it goes through but it was 2 different emotions. Not having to go through what these family do I can only say to them that my heart goes out to you. But I find it amazing how people will actually tell these people what to do. I some times think that it is because of lack of things to say but feel that they need to say something. I want to be careful when talking to people with emotional set backs as these for it might hurt or help them in the long run.
I am a person that sits and thinks about things that totally off the wall. I cant help it and it can be fun for me privately but when I voice my thought I get the strangest looks. Especially from my family. hehe.. I dont blame them poor family to put up with me. But I just have this knack for weirdness. :) The weirdest thing I think I have come up with is this : Does all skeletons weigh the same? I think not and some people have said no but as I said it is weird :)
well I have chatted enough and probably rambled a lot of it but oh well
write more later :)


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