Wow it has been a month since I have
taken the time to write. I apologize deeply for my lack of consistancy here. Alot has happen as usual for the month of April as it does every year but this time it is more than busy. First this month we had the gbs proclaim for an evening service. Then we have been doing the wonderful non stress test for Brenda. This means more doctor trips and appointments and we are going every week to see the ob doctor. :) Then of course we had the IHC and that was a blessing and even more fun as Brenda got to go with us. Brenda is suppose to be on bedrest since she has had this bloodclot and of course she is bored and decided that she was going with us and nothing was going to stop this. The day we went to IHC, Connie's birthday was that day and Bro. Nichols sang to her. AWWW aint that special. Wednesday, Connie came over and did a great job of landscapping. I just thought that was totally aawesome. We had fun and in the middle of the job I had to run Brenda to the doctor for Tension Headaches. Any wonder why she has them? ... Now on Wednesday, Brenda decided that she was having contractions and so away she went to the doctor and she was sent home with out the baby. :( We have to be soooo careful due to the blood clot and thinner that she is on. So Thursday we thought he would make his presence and of course go home... and Today her ob doc sent her back and of course she is back home. So I will be keeping you inform and hopefully the baby will be here with bells on and a big smile on his face.
ta-ta my fella bloggers, family and friends.\