Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday I recieved a phone call that

changed my schedule for Tuesday. I was to go to Blackcreek township and work the polls. I was happy. I love to work the polls. Yes, it is long and sometimes boring but I find it interesting as
tata til lawell as entertaining. This is my second time working and I will gladly do it everytime they call. I was the second judge this time and so I had to write people's names in the BOOK. This time I worked with another nice group to work with but as I noticed since the work was slow we were able to visit a little better and learn each other. No we are not best friends but it sure was interesting the mixture of likes and dislikes we had together. I saw people that I had worked with a long time ago and then some that immediately knew my family but I hadnt a clue :) I then went to work and now it is time to rest and not really do anything until tomorrow. I certainly need my beauty rest :)

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Gospel According to Scrooge

was totally awesome. Last night (friday) ma, pa, connie and i went to bowlin green and saw this play. They did a superb job in each act and the director was scrooge. The sets were just like the story of christmas carol but they used it in a christian form. They have done this play for 21 yrs and it was amazing how many was there for the first time including us We couldnt take pics because of the copyright policies but I would encourage people to go. It is totally free and in march they are having the Jesus is alive drama. I cant wait for this one. a great evening to pass with the family and to see such a great production at the same time .

Monday, December 03, 2007

Have you ever

wondered why things are going well and then boom there is a big change? I work at walmart and they have told us that they are cutting out our hours. Fine but some of us are the single bread winners and that sure puts a damper on bill paying, everyday living expense and most of all the mood that you carry day to day. One walmart let some of their people go. How terrible when it is right at Christmas time. I am a major stressor when it comes to paying bills on time. I hate to have to worry about what isnt going to be paid and then what has to be left undone. That is annoying and needless to say embarrassing to me. So when I heard that walmart is cutting the hours, my panic level rose above the thermostat and my weekend of fun was totally shot. I have been racking my brain to figure out how to get a second job and boy you just cant go in and say hire me they just dont do that. So I am here trying to press my panic button to the slow down and just relax and remember that things will be alright. I just had to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading my rambles